TRU TRUSSARDI T-shirts & Sneakers for Men in Italy Europe

40571 - TRU TRUSSARDI T-shirts & Sneakers for Men in Italy Europe


TRU TRUSSARDI T-shirts & Sneakers for Men in Italy Europe

Item number: 40571

TRU TRUSSARDI T-shirts & Sneakers for Men
Quantity: 8 329 units / pairs
Number of models: 5 131
Size Ratio: Good
Average Retail Price: 93.15€
Average Selling Price: 20.00€ pcs. / pair
Minimum order quantity: 1 000 units / pairs
All due diligence papers which mean all invoices are released during the sale of this merchandise.
Sales Restrictions : No
EXW Italy

Price: 20.00 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.