Mix of BestSeller men clothes Europe

29524 - Mix of BestSeller men clothes Europe
29524 - Mix of BestSeller men clothes Europe
29524 - Mix of BestSeller men clothes Europe
29524 - Mix of BestSeller men clothes Europe
29524 - Mix of BestSeller men clothes Europe
29524 - Mix of BestSeller men clothes Europe
29524 - Mix of BestSeller men clothes Europe


Mix of BestSeller men clothes Europe

Item number: 29524

Mix of BestSeller brands for men: Jakc&Jones, Selected, Only & Sons
Quantity: 2 000 pieces
Price: 3 different prices for diferent breakdown / in attached breakdown, will find breakdown with prices for each
Season: autumn-winter
EXW Bulgaria

Additional information:

Prices and packinglist here.xlsx Prices and packinglist here

Price: 6.00 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.